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2014-06-28 18.23.06.jpg
Sung Choi​

Prior to becoming a Monster Minder, Sung was an Art Director in NYC for 15+ years. While she still is passionate about design and the process that goes into her craft, she is now doing it on her own terms as a freelancer. When she thought about how she wanted to fill her days, dogs came to the top of the list and our clients are lucky for it! She has had: 5 chickens, 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 hamsters, a snail and an iguana so it's fair to say Sung is well-rounded on the monster front.


When Sung isn't walking around Philly with one of our clients you can find her hiking, rock climbing, popping into antique shops, reading, and rewatching classic films. (She particularly loves classic horror films.) She loves to travel and ALWAYS stops in art museums and galleries along the way. She has been all over the world from Australia to Canada (and a lot of places in between.) Sung loves to cook and at one time decided to make every single recipe from three different cookbooks, though currently she is on a kimchi kick, experimenting with cabbage and also the liquid style (which is rare in the U.S.)


You can find Sung minding monsters in Old City, Wash West, Queen Village and Bella Vista. 



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